1. Maskumambang : 12i, 6a, 8i, 8a
2. Pucung: 12u, 6a, 8i, 12a.
3. Gambuh: 7u, 10u, 12i, 8u, 8o
4. Megatruh: 12u, 8i, 8u, 8i, 8o
5. Mijil: 10i, 6o, 10e, 10i, 6i, 6u
6. Kinanthi: 8u, 8i, 8a, 8i
7. Durma: 12a, 7i, 6a, 7a, 8i, 5a, 7i.
8. Pangkur: 8a, 11i, 8u, 7a, 12u, 8a, 8i
9. Asmaradana: 8i, 8a, 8e, 8a, 7a,8u, 8a
10. Sinom: 8a, 8i,8a, 8i, 7i, 8u, 7a, 8i, 12a
11. Dhandanggula: 10i, 10a, 8e, 7u, 9i, 7a, 6u, 8a, 12i, 7a
Nguri-uri Kabudayan Jawa
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Dasanama yaiku tembung pirang-pirang kang duwe teges siji utawa padha.
anak | : | atmaja, putra, siwi, sunu, suta, yoga |
angin | : | bajra, bayu, maruta, pawana, samirana, sindung riwut. |
ati | : | driya, galih, manah, nala, kalbu, prana, tyas, wardaya. |
awak | : | angga, badan, salira, sarira, raga. |
bapak | : | bapa, sudarma, sudarmi, rama, yayah |
banyu | : | her, warih, ranu, sindu, tirta, we, jala |
bodho | : | blilu, dama, mudha, kumprung, koplo, jugul, pengung, punggung |
bumi | : | bantala, bawana, buwana, basundara, jagad, mandhala, pratala, paratiwi, siti, kisma |
buta | : | asura, danuja, denawa, ditya, diyu, raseksa, yaksa, wil |
dalan | : | delanggung, enu, gili, lurung, marga, margana, sopana |
dewa | : | apsara, apsari, bathara, dewata, sura, hyang, jawata, widadara |
gajah | : | asti, dipa, dwipangga, dirada, esthi, liman |
gawe | : | kardi, karya, karti, yasa |
geni | : | agni, api, apyu, brama, dahana, pawaka |
getih | : | ludira, marus, rah, rudira |
gunung | : | aldaka, ancala, arga, ardi, giri, himawan, meru, parwata, prabata, wukir |
ibu | : | biyang, biyung, indhung, puyengan, rena, umi, wibi |
ireng | : | cemani, cemeng, jlitheng, kresna, langking |
iwak | : | matsura, mina, ulam |
jaran | : | aswa, kapal, kuda, turangga, undhakan, wajik |
jeneng | : | asma, aran, jejuluk, rum-rum, wewangi, tetenger |
kali | : | lepen, narmada |
kaya | : | kadi, kadya, lir, mimba, pendah, pindha |
keris | : | curiga, cudrik, katga, patrem |
kethek | : | juris, kapi, palwaga, rewanda, wanara, wre |
kreta | : | rata, ratangga, pedhati, wirnana, yana |
kraton | : | dhatulaya, kedhaton, pura, puri |
kuning | : | jenar, kapuranta, pita |
lanang | : | jaler, jalu, kakung, priya |
langit | : | akasa, antariksa, awang-awang, bomantara, dirgantara, gegana, jumantara, tawang, widik-widik, wiyati, wyat |
lara | : | gerah, gering, roga, sakit |
lintang | : | kartika, sasa, sasadara, sudama, taranggana, wintang |
macan | : | sardula, sirna |
manuk | : | kaga, kukila, paksi, peksi |
mata | : | eksi, mripat, netra, paningal, soca |
mati | : | antaka, ngemasi, lalis, lampus, layon, lena, murud, palastra, seda |
mayit | : | bangke, jisim, kunarpa, kuwandha, sawa, wangke |
misuwur | : | kajuwara, kaloka, kalok, kawardi, kawentar, kaonang-onang, kombul, kondhang, kongas, kontap |
omah | : | graha, panti, wisma, yasa |
padu | : | crah, congkrah, kerengan, padudon, sulaya |
panah | : | astra, bana, jeparing, naraca, sara, warastra |
pandita | : | ajar, dwija, dwijara, maharsi, resi, wiku, wipra, yogiswara |
peni | : | apik, becik, edi, endah |
perang | : | yuda, jurit, laga, pupuh, rana, branta yuda |
pinter | : | guna, lebda, limpat, wasis, widagda, widura, wignya |
ratu | : | aji, buminta, bumipala, dhatu, katong, naradipa, narpati, narendra, nareswara, nata, raja, sri, sribupati |
rembulan | : | badra, candra, sasadara, sasangka, sasi, sitaresmi, sitengsu, wulan |
sedih | : | dhuhkita, kingkin, rudhatin, rudhita, sungkawa, susah, tikbra, turidha, wigena |
segara | : | ernawa, jalanidhi, jaladri, samudra, tasik |
slamet | : | basuki, raharja, rahayu, swasta, yuwana, widada |
srengenge | : | arka, aruna, bagaskara, bagaspati, baskara, diwangkara, pratangga, pratanggapati, pratanggakara, radhite, raditya, rawi, surya |
ula | : | sarpa, sawer, naga, taksaka |
wadon | : | dayinta, dyah, estri, juwita, kusuma, retna, rini, wanita, wanodya, gini, putri |
weruh | : | anon, priksa, udani, upiksa, uninga, wikan, wrih |
wicara | : | catur, gunem, ucap, uni |
wong | : | jalma, jana, janma, manungsa, manus, nara |
Friday, November 30, 2012
The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins / The Dark Knight / The Dark Knight Rises) (2012
Editorial Reviews
Batman Begins:
Batman Begins discards the previous four films in the series and recasts the Caped Crusader as a fearsome avenging angel. That's good news, because the series, which had gotten off to a rousing start under Tim Burton, had gradually dissolved into self-parody by 1997's Batman & Robin. As the title implies, Batman Begins tells the story anew, when Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) flees Western civilization following the murder of his parents. He is taken in by a mysterious instructor named Ducard (Liam Neeson in another mentor role) and urged to become a ninja in the League of Shadows, but he instead returns to his native Gotham City resolved to end the mob rule that is strangling it. But are there forces even more sinister at hand? Cowritten by the team of David S. Goyer (a veteran comic book writer) and director Christopher Nolan (Memento), Batman Begins is a welcome return to the grim and gritty version of the Dark Knight, owing a great debt to the graphic novels that preceded it. It doesn't have the razzle dazzle, or the mass appeal, of Spider-Man 2 (though the Batmobile is cool), and retelling the origin means it starts slowly, like most "first" superhero movies. But it's certainly the best Bat-film since Burton's original, and one of the best superhero movies of its time. Bale cuts a good figure as Batman, intense and dangerous but with some of the lightheartedness Michael Keaton brought to the character. Michael Caine provides much of the film's humor as the family butler, Alfred, and as the love interest, Katie Holmes (Dawson's Creek) is surprisingly believable in her first adult role. Also featuring Gary Oldman as the young police officer Jim Gordon, Morgan Freeman as a Q-like gadgets expert, and Cillian Murphy as the vile Jonathan Crane. --David Horiuchi
The Dark Knight:
The Dark Knight arrives with tremendous hype (best superhero movie ever? posthumous Oscar for Heath Ledger?), and incredibly, it lives up to all of it. But calling it the best superhero movie ever seems like faint praise, since part of what makes the movie great--in addition to pitch-perfect casting, outstanding writing, and a compelling vision--is that it bypasses the normal fantasy element of the superhero genre and makes it all terrifyingly real. Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) is Gotham City's new district attorney, charged with cleaning up the crime rings that have paralyzed the city. He enters an uneasy alliance with the young police lieutenant, Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman), and Batman (Christian Bale), the caped vigilante who seems to trust only Gordon--and whom only Gordon seems to trust. They make progress until a psychotic and deadly new player enters the game: the Joker (Heath Ledger), who offers the crime bosses a solution--kill the Batman. Further complicating matters is that Dent is now dating Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal, after Katie Holmes turned down the chance to reprise her role), the longtime love of Batman's alter ego, Bruce Wayne.
In his last completed role before his tragic death, Ledger is fantastic as the Joker, a volcanic, truly frightening force of evil. And he sets the tone of the movie: the world is a dark, dangerous place where there are no easy choices. Eckhart and Oldman also shine, but as good as Bale is, his character turns out rather bland in comparison (not uncommon for heroes facing more colorful villains). Director-cowriter Christopher Nolan (Memento) follows his critically acclaimed Batman Begins with an even better sequel that sets itself apart from notable superhero movies like Spider-Man 2 and Iron Man because of its sheer emotional impact and striking sense of realism--there are no suspension-of-disbelief superpowers here. At 152 minutes, it's a shade too long, and it's much too intense for kids. But for most movie fans--and not just superhero fans--The Dark Knight is a film for the ages. --David Horiuchi
The Dark Knight Rises:
Of all the "most anticipated" movies ever claiming that title, it's hard to imagine one that has caused so much speculation and breathless expectation as Christopher Nolan's final chapter to his magnificently brooding Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. Though it may not rise to the level of the mythic grandeur of its predecessor, The Dark Knight Rises is a truly magnificent work of cinematic brilliance that commandingly completes the cycle and is as heavy with literary resonance as it is of-the-moment insight into the political and social affairs unfolding on the world stage. That it is also a full-blown and fully realized epic crime drama packed with state-of-the-art action relying equally on immaculate CGI fakery and heart-stopping practical effects and stunt work makes its entrée into blockbuster history worthy of all the anticipation and more. It deserves all the accolades it will get for bringing an opulently baroque view of a comic book universe to life with sinister effectiveness.
Set eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, TDK Rises finds Bruce Wayne broken in spirit and body from his moral and physical battle with the Joker. Gotham City is at peace primarily because Batman took the fall for Harvey Dent's murder, allowing the former district attorney's memory to remain as a crime-fighting hero rather than the lunatic destructor he became as Two-Face. But that meant Batman's cape and cowl wound up in cold storage--perhaps for good--with only police commissioner Jim Gordon in possession of the truth. The threat that faces Gotham now is by no means new; as deployed by the intricate script that weaves themes first explored in Batman Begins, fundamental conflicts that predate his own origins are at the heart of the ultimate struggle that will leave Batman and his city either triumphant or in ashes. It is one of the movie's greatest achievements that we really don't know which way it will end up until its final exhilarating moments. Intricate may be an understatement in the construction of the script by Nolan and his brother Jonathan. The multilayered story includes a battle for control of Wayne Industries and the decimation of Bruce Wayne's personal wealth; a destructive yet potentially earth-saving clean energy source; a desolate prison colony on the other side of the globe; terrorist attacks against people, property, and the world's economic foundation; the redistribution of wealth to the 99 percent; and a virtuoso jewel thief who is identified in every way except name as Catwoman. Played with saucy fun and sexy danger by Anne Hathaway, Selina Kyle is sort of the catalyst (!) for all the plot threads, especially when she whispers into Bruce's ear at a charity ball some prescient words about a coming storm that will tear Gotham asunder. As unpredictable as it is sometimes hard to follow, the winds of this storm blow in a raft of diverse and extremely compelling new characters (including Selina Kyle) who are all part of a dance that ends with the ballet of a cataclysmic denouement. Among the new faces are Marion Cotillard as a green-energy advocate and Wayne Industries board member and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a devoted Gotham cop who may lead Nolan into a new comic book franchise. The hulking monster Bane, played by Tom Hardy with powerful confidence even under a clawlike mask, is so much more than a villain (and the toughest match yet for Batman's prowess). Though he ends up being less important to the movie's moral themes and can't really match Heath Ledger's maniacal turn as Joker, his mesmerizing swagger and presence as demonic force personified are an affecting counterpoint to the moral battle that rages within Batman himself. Christian Bale gives his most dynamic performance yet as the tortured hero, and Michael Caine (Alfred), Gary Oldman (Gordon), and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) all return with more gravitas and emotional weight than ever before. Then there's the action. Punctuated by three or four magnificent set pieces, TDKR deftly mixes the cinematic process of providing information with punches of pow throughout (an airplane-to-airplane kidnap/rescue, an institutional terrorist assault and subsequent chase, and the choreographed crippling of an entire city are the above-mentioned highlights). The added impact of the movie's extensive Imax footage ups the wow factor, all of it kinetically controlled by Nolan and his top lieutenants Wally Pfister (cinematography), Hans Zimmer (composer), Lee Smith (editor), and Nathan Crowley and Kevin Kavanaugh (production designers). The best recommendation TDKR carries is that it does not leave one wanting for more. At 164 minutes, there's plenty of nonstop dramatic enthrallment for a single sitting. More important, there's a deep sense of satisfaction that The Dark Knight Rises leaves as the fulfilling conclusion to an absorbing saga that remains relevant, resonant, and above all thoroughly entertaining. --Ted Fry
Batman Begins discards the previous four films in the series and recasts the Caped Crusader as a fearsome avenging angel. That's good news, because the series, which had gotten off to a rousing start under Tim Burton, had gradually dissolved into self-parody by 1997's Batman & Robin. As the title implies, Batman Begins tells the story anew, when Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) flees Western civilization following the murder of his parents. He is taken in by a mysterious instructor named Ducard (Liam Neeson in another mentor role) and urged to become a ninja in the League of Shadows, but he instead returns to his native Gotham City resolved to end the mob rule that is strangling it. But are there forces even more sinister at hand? Cowritten by the team of David S. Goyer (a veteran comic book writer) and director Christopher Nolan (Memento), Batman Begins is a welcome return to the grim and gritty version of the Dark Knight, owing a great debt to the graphic novels that preceded it. It doesn't have the razzle dazzle, or the mass appeal, of Spider-Man 2 (though the Batmobile is cool), and retelling the origin means it starts slowly, like most "first" superhero movies. But it's certainly the best Bat-film since Burton's original, and one of the best superhero movies of its time. Bale cuts a good figure as Batman, intense and dangerous but with some of the lightheartedness Michael Keaton brought to the character. Michael Caine provides much of the film's humor as the family butler, Alfred, and as the love interest, Katie Holmes (Dawson's Creek) is surprisingly believable in her first adult role. Also featuring Gary Oldman as the young police officer Jim Gordon, Morgan Freeman as a Q-like gadgets expert, and Cillian Murphy as the vile Jonathan Crane. --David Horiuchi
The Dark Knight:
The Dark Knight arrives with tremendous hype (best superhero movie ever? posthumous Oscar for Heath Ledger?), and incredibly, it lives up to all of it. But calling it the best superhero movie ever seems like faint praise, since part of what makes the movie great--in addition to pitch-perfect casting, outstanding writing, and a compelling vision--is that it bypasses the normal fantasy element of the superhero genre and makes it all terrifyingly real. Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) is Gotham City's new district attorney, charged with cleaning up the crime rings that have paralyzed the city. He enters an uneasy alliance with the young police lieutenant, Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman), and Batman (Christian Bale), the caped vigilante who seems to trust only Gordon--and whom only Gordon seems to trust. They make progress until a psychotic and deadly new player enters the game: the Joker (Heath Ledger), who offers the crime bosses a solution--kill the Batman. Further complicating matters is that Dent is now dating Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal, after Katie Holmes turned down the chance to reprise her role), the longtime love of Batman's alter ego, Bruce Wayne.
In his last completed role before his tragic death, Ledger is fantastic as the Joker, a volcanic, truly frightening force of evil. And he sets the tone of the movie: the world is a dark, dangerous place where there are no easy choices. Eckhart and Oldman also shine, but as good as Bale is, his character turns out rather bland in comparison (not uncommon for heroes facing more colorful villains). Director-cowriter Christopher Nolan (Memento) follows his critically acclaimed Batman Begins with an even better sequel that sets itself apart from notable superhero movies like Spider-Man 2 and Iron Man because of its sheer emotional impact and striking sense of realism--there are no suspension-of-disbelief superpowers here. At 152 minutes, it's a shade too long, and it's much too intense for kids. But for most movie fans--and not just superhero fans--The Dark Knight is a film for the ages. --David Horiuchi
The Dark Knight Rises:
Of all the "most anticipated" movies ever claiming that title, it's hard to imagine one that has caused so much speculation and breathless expectation as Christopher Nolan's final chapter to his magnificently brooding Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. Though it may not rise to the level of the mythic grandeur of its predecessor, The Dark Knight Rises is a truly magnificent work of cinematic brilliance that commandingly completes the cycle and is as heavy with literary resonance as it is of-the-moment insight into the political and social affairs unfolding on the world stage. That it is also a full-blown and fully realized epic crime drama packed with state-of-the-art action relying equally on immaculate CGI fakery and heart-stopping practical effects and stunt work makes its entrée into blockbuster history worthy of all the anticipation and more. It deserves all the accolades it will get for bringing an opulently baroque view of a comic book universe to life with sinister effectiveness.
Set eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, TDK Rises finds Bruce Wayne broken in spirit and body from his moral and physical battle with the Joker. Gotham City is at peace primarily because Batman took the fall for Harvey Dent's murder, allowing the former district attorney's memory to remain as a crime-fighting hero rather than the lunatic destructor he became as Two-Face. But that meant Batman's cape and cowl wound up in cold storage--perhaps for good--with only police commissioner Jim Gordon in possession of the truth. The threat that faces Gotham now is by no means new; as deployed by the intricate script that weaves themes first explored in Batman Begins, fundamental conflicts that predate his own origins are at the heart of the ultimate struggle that will leave Batman and his city either triumphant or in ashes. It is one of the movie's greatest achievements that we really don't know which way it will end up until its final exhilarating moments. Intricate may be an understatement in the construction of the script by Nolan and his brother Jonathan. The multilayered story includes a battle for control of Wayne Industries and the decimation of Bruce Wayne's personal wealth; a destructive yet potentially earth-saving clean energy source; a desolate prison colony on the other side of the globe; terrorist attacks against people, property, and the world's economic foundation; the redistribution of wealth to the 99 percent; and a virtuoso jewel thief who is identified in every way except name as Catwoman. Played with saucy fun and sexy danger by Anne Hathaway, Selina Kyle is sort of the catalyst (!) for all the plot threads, especially when she whispers into Bruce's ear at a charity ball some prescient words about a coming storm that will tear Gotham asunder. As unpredictable as it is sometimes hard to follow, the winds of this storm blow in a raft of diverse and extremely compelling new characters (including Selina Kyle) who are all part of a dance that ends with the ballet of a cataclysmic denouement. Among the new faces are Marion Cotillard as a green-energy advocate and Wayne Industries board member and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a devoted Gotham cop who may lead Nolan into a new comic book franchise. The hulking monster Bane, played by Tom Hardy with powerful confidence even under a clawlike mask, is so much more than a villain (and the toughest match yet for Batman's prowess). Though he ends up being less important to the movie's moral themes and can't really match Heath Ledger's maniacal turn as Joker, his mesmerizing swagger and presence as demonic force personified are an affecting counterpoint to the moral battle that rages within Batman himself. Christian Bale gives his most dynamic performance yet as the tortured hero, and Michael Caine (Alfred), Gary Oldman (Gordon), and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox) all return with more gravitas and emotional weight than ever before. Then there's the action. Punctuated by three or four magnificent set pieces, TDKR deftly mixes the cinematic process of providing information with punches of pow throughout (an airplane-to-airplane kidnap/rescue, an institutional terrorist assault and subsequent chase, and the choreographed crippling of an entire city are the above-mentioned highlights). The added impact of the movie's extensive Imax footage ups the wow factor, all of it kinetically controlled by Nolan and his top lieutenants Wally Pfister (cinematography), Hans Zimmer (composer), Lee Smith (editor), and Nathan Crowley and Kevin Kavanaugh (production designers). The best recommendation TDKR carries is that it does not leave one wanting for more. At 164 minutes, there's plenty of nonstop dramatic enthrallment for a single sitting. More important, there's a deep sense of satisfaction that The Dark Knight Rises leaves as the fulfilling conclusion to an absorbing saga that remains relevant, resonant, and above all thoroughly entertaining. --Ted Fry
Product Description
Batman Begins:Batman Begins explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham. In the wake of his parents' murder, disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful. He returns to Gotham and unveils his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city.
The Dark Knight:
The follow-up to Batman Begins, The Dark Knight reunites director Christopher Nolan and star Christian Bale, who reprises the role of Batman/Bruce Wayne in his continuing war on crime. With the help of Lt. Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to destroy organized crime in Gotham for good. The triumvirate proves effective, but soon find themselves prey to a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker, who thrusts Gotham into anarchy and forces Batman closer to crossing the fine line between hero and vigilante. Heath Ledger stars as archvillain The Joker, and Aaron Eckhart plays Dent. Maggie Gyllenhaal joins the cast as Rachel Dawes. Returning from Batman Begins are Gary Oldman as Gordon, Michael Caine as Alfred and Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox.
The Dark Knight Rises:
It has been eight years since Batman vanished into the night, turning, in that instant, from hero to fugitive. Assuming the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent, the Dark Knight sacrificed everything for what he and Commissioner Gordon both hoped was the greater good. For a time the lie worked, as criminal activity in Gotham City was crushed under the weight of the anti-crime Dent Act. But everything will change with the arrival of a cunning cat burglar with a mysterious agenda. Far more dangerous, however, is the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist whose ruthless plans for Gotham drive Bruce out of his self-imposed exile. But even if he dons the cape and cowl again, Batman may be no match for Bane.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Nikon D5100 16.2MP
The Nikon D5100 and its included AF-S 18-55mm VR lens offer a host of new photographic and video tools including a 16.2 MP DX-format CMOS sensor, 4 fps continuous shooting and breathtaking Full 1080p HD Movies with full time autofocus.
Creativity from any point of view
Stimulate your creativity. The NIKON D5100 offers a host of new photographic and video tools that deliver superior performance and exceptional image quality with surprising versatility. With 16.2 megapixels, a swivel Vari-Angle LCD monitor, full HD movie capabilities, new EFFECTS Mode and new HDR setting, you hold the power and performance to capture beautiful moments and the freedom to get creative.
Vari-angle LCD Monitor
Creativity from any point of view
Take pictures or record movies from a unique viewpoint, the D5100's 3.0 inch, super sharp, 921,000-dot Vari-angle LCD monitor allows for versatile high quality viewing and playback. Explore every angle, with overhead shots, waist level candids, ground level and fun self portraits; you will never miss a shot. This Vari-angle monitor allows you to be creative from any point of view.
Effects mode
More fun and artistic pictures and movies
The D5100 incorporates an amazing array of special effects for use when taking still pictures or recording D-Movie Full HD movies. Selective Color isolates any color within the scene; capture details in places too dark for your own eyes using Night Vision; create bright, glowing images filled with atmosphere with High Key; emphasize the mood of a scene using Low Key; Miniature Effect makes a scene look like a miniature scale model; and Color Sketch creates color outlines of the subject that are played back as a series of stills in a slide show.
Tell better stories
Full HD 1080p D-Movie with Sound
The D5100 delivers exceptionally high-quality movie performance due to its full HD capability while the latest in Full-time autofocus takes the guess work out of tracking your subjects while in motion. Effortless moviemaking is at your fingertip thanks to D5100's ergonomically placed Live View and Movie start button. Your D-Movies will come to life thanks to D5100's sound recording capability - get stereo sound with Nikon's optional ME-1 Stereo Microphone.
HDR (High Dynamic Range)
Exquisite detail in highlight and shadow
In scenes with extreme contrasts, such as bright, sunlit clouds and a foreground deep in shadow, it was once quite difficult to render the textures of both equally. Not any more. D5100 combines two exposures to create an image revealing an extremely wide dynamic range, but with less noise and richer color gradation than ever beforeStunning image quality
Image quality in a class of its own
Incorporating the latest Nikon D-SLR technologies such as the 16.2MP DX-format CMOS sensor and EXPEED 2 image processing engine, the D5100 delivers outstanding image quality. Its CMOS sensor offers a remarkably wide ISO range (ISO 100 to 6400) with reduced noise which enables you to shoot at faster shutter speeds and capture scenes and subjects with less blur. Handheld shooting and full HD movies come out looking great even in low light.
Speed and performance that delivers
Brilliance whenever needed
With high-speed continuous shooting at approx. 4 frames per second, you'll never miss a moment and with D5100's large optical viewfinder providing accurate and realistic composition, you'll get a precise view and focus in every situation.
D5100's 11-point AF system provides flexibility to compose the shot you want ensuring your subject is captured sharply wherever it's located in the frame. Working together with the Scene Recognition System, the camera can keep your main subject in focus even if the composition changes using Nikon's exclusive 3D-tracking.
Vital for dark or backlit subjects, the D5100's built-in pop-up flash automatically brightens your subject even when shooting outdoors in bright sunlight. Expect natural looking results thanks to intelligent flash control.
From wide angle to telephoto, from prime to Micro, the NIKKOR interchangeable lens lineup offers more choices to see and capture still images and D-Movies of the world from your perspective.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat Hamil Oleh dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG

Bertambahnya usia, membuat peluang seseorang untuk hamil menjadi semakin kecil.
Oleh kerena itu, Anda perlu berusaha semaksimal mungkin selagi usia Anda masih produktif.
Dan buat Anda yang sudah berusaha melakukan berbagai macam cara agar cepat hamil, tapi sampai saat ini belum berhasil. Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG akan membantu Anda dengan segala macam informasi dan tips-tips lengkap yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah terbesar Anda saat ini yaitu: Bagaimana caranya agar bisa segera hamil, Menganal lebih jauh sistem reproduksi pria dan wanita, Menemukan dan mengatasi masalah utama yang menghambat kehamilan serta Memaksimalkan tingkat keberhasilan kehamilan.
Dengan pengalaman yang telah banyak membuat pasangan suami istri mendapatkan momongan, Seorang dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG akan memberikan rahasia yang mungkin akan sangat memudahkan anda dalam mewujudkan semua impian yang selama ini belum kunjung tiba yaitu Kehamilan.
Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat Hamil Oleh dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG adalah sebuah buku yang akan menjawab semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan Anda seputar kehamilan (susah hamil), diantaranya :

Bertambahnya usia, membuat peluang seseorang untuk hamil menjadi semakin kecil.
Oleh kerena itu, Anda perlu berusaha semaksimal mungkin selagi usia Anda masih produktif.
Dan buat Anda yang sudah berusaha melakukan berbagai macam cara agar cepat hamil, tapi sampai saat ini belum berhasil. Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG akan membantu Anda dengan segala macam informasi dan tips-tips lengkap yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengatasi masalah terbesar Anda saat ini yaitu: Bagaimana caranya agar bisa segera hamil, Menganal lebih jauh sistem reproduksi pria dan wanita, Menemukan dan mengatasi masalah utama yang menghambat kehamilan serta Memaksimalkan tingkat keberhasilan kehamilan.
Dengan pengalaman yang telah banyak membuat pasangan suami istri mendapatkan momongan, Seorang dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG akan memberikan rahasia yang mungkin akan sangat memudahkan anda dalam mewujudkan semua impian yang selama ini belum kunjung tiba yaitu Kehamilan.
Panduan Lengkap Cara Cepat Hamil Oleh dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG adalah sebuah buku yang akan menjawab semua pertanyaan-pertanyaan Anda seputar kehamilan (susah hamil), diantaranya :
- Bagaimana cara cepat hamil
- Terapi atau obat-obatan apa yang bisa mempercepat kehamilan
- Kapan waktu yang tepat untuk mengkonsumsi obat-obatan penyubur
- Bagaimana cara menghitung masa subur dengan akurat
- Makanan apa yang sebaiknya dihindari bila ingin cepat hamil
- Apa saja tips dan trik serta posisi dalam bercinta yang bisa memperbesar kemungkinan segera hamil
- Bagaimana meningkatkan peluang hamil untuk wanita yang mengalami kegemukan/obesitas
- Apa saja faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan ketidaksuburan
- Kapan waktu yang tepat untuk memeriksakan diri ke dokter dan melakukan serangkaian tes
- Dan banyak lagi informasi lainnya…
- Panduan ini berisi tips cara cepat hamil yang ditulis langsung oleh dokter spesialis kandungan (ahli Obstetri & Ginekologi). Tips-tips cara cepat hamil di dalam buku ini sudah melalui berbagai penelitian medis dan telah menunjukkan hasil yang diharapkan.
- Panduan ini membahas masalah susah hamil dengan bahasa yang ringan sehingga mudah dimengerti oleh pembaca yang tidak terbiasa dengan istilah kedokteran/medis
- Panduan ini sangat objektif karena TIDAK mempromosikan obat-obatan, klinik, ataupun rumah sakit tertentu dan TIDAK mengadakan kerjasama promosi dengan lembaga/perusahaan medis manapun
- Dengan membaca panduan ini Anda juga mendapatkan buku kehamilan lainnya sebagai bonus pembelian (yang dicetak menjadi satu). Buku bonus ini akan membantu menambah wawasan Anda tentang kehamilan
- Dalam paket pembelian buku ini sudah termasuk layanan konsultasi gratis langsung dengan saya (dr. Rosdiana Ramli, SpOG). Layanan konsultasi gratis via email ini saya maksudkan untuk memudahkan para pembaca bertanya tentang masalah mereka yang lebih spesifik.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
EOS Rebel T3i 18-55mm IS II Kit
EOS Rebel T3i 18-55mm IS II Kit
TypeDigital, AF/AE single-lens reflex, camera with built-in flash
Recording Media
SD/SDHC/SDXC card, via external media (USB v.2.0 hard drive, or via Wireless LAN (Eye-Fi card*))
*Canon cameras are not guaranteed to support Eye-Fi card functions, including wireless transfer. In case of an issue with the Eye-Fi card, please consult with the card manufacturer. The use of Eye-Fi cards may not be approved in all regions, or from one region to another; please contact the card manufacturer for status of approval in the country/region of use.
Image Format
22.3 x 14.9 mm (APS-C size)
Compatible Lenses
Canon EF lenses including EF-S lenses
(35mm-equivalent focal length is approx.1.6x the lens focal length)
Lens Mount
Canon EF mount
Image Sensor
TypeHigh-sensitivity, high-resolution, large single-plate CMOS sensor
Effective pixels: Approx. 18.0 megapixels
Total Pixels
Total pixels: Approx. 18.70 megapixels
Aspect Ratio
3:2 (Horizontal : Vertical)
Color Filter System
RGB primary color filters
Low Pass Filter
Fixed position in front of the CMOS sensor
Dust Deletion Feature
(1) Automatic Sensor Cleaning
- Removes dust adhering to the low-pass filter.
- Self-cleaning executed automatically (taking 2 sec.) when power is turned on or off. Manual execution also possible (taking 5 sec.).
- Low-pass filter has a fluorine coating.
- The coordinates of the dust adhering to the low-pass filter are detected by a test shot and appended to subsequent images.
- The dust coordinate data appended to the image is used by the provided software to automatically erase the dust spots.
Recording System
Recording FormatDesign rule for Camera File System 2.0 and 2.30
File Size
(1) Large: Approx. 17.90 Megapixels (5,184 x 3,456)
(2) Medium: Approx. 8.00 Megapixels (3,456 x 2,304)
(3) Small: Approx. 4.50 Megapixels (2,592 x 1,728)
(4) S2: Approx. 2.50 Megapixels (1,920 x 1,280)
(5) S3: Approx. 0.35 Megapixels (720 x 480)
(6) RAW: Approx. 17.90 Megapixels (5,184 x 3,456)
Exact file sizes depend on the subject, ISO speed, Picture Style, etc.
Recording Functions
Images record directly to the SD card.
File Numbering
Consecutive numbering, auto reset, manual reset.
RAW + JPEG Simultaneous Recording
RAW and Large JPEG images are recorded simultaneously
Color Space
sRGB, Adobe RGB
Picture Style
Auto, Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Neutral, Faithful, Monochrome, User Defined 1-3
White Balance
SettingsAuto, Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten Light, White Fluorescent Light, Flash, Custom
Auto White Balance
Auto white balance with the image sensor
Color Temperature Compensation
White balance correction:
- Blue/amber bias: ±9 levels
- Magenta/green bias: ±9 levels
- ±3 levels, in single-level increments
TypeEye-level SLR (with fixed pentamirror)
Vertical/Horizontal approx. 95% (TD)
Approx. 0.85x / 23.8° (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1 m-1 (dpt))
Eye Point
Approx. 19 mm (At -1m-1 from the eyepiece lens center)
Dioptric Adjustment Correction
Adjustable from approx. -3.0 to +1.0 m-1 (dpt)
Focusing Screen
Quick-return half mirror (transmittance: reflectance ratio of 40:60)
Viewfinder Information
1) AF information (AF points, focus confirmation light)
2) Exposure information (Shutter speed, aperture, ISO speed, AE lock, exposure level, spot metering circle, exposure warning)
3) Flash information (Flash ready, flash exposure compensation, high-speed sync, FE lock, red-eye reduction light)
4) Image information (Highlight tone priority, Monochrome shooting, maximum burst, white balance correction, SD card information)
5) Composition information (Grid, electronic level)
6) Battery check
Depth Of Field Preview
Enabled with depth-of-field preview button
TypeTTL-CT-SIR AF-dedicated CMOS sensor
AF Points
9 points (Center AF point is cross-type, vertical-line sensitive at f/2.8.)
AF Working Range
EV -0.5 - 18 (at 23°C/73°F and ISO 100, based on Canon's testing standards)
Focusing Modes
(1) Autofocus
- One-Shot AF
- Predictive AI Servo AF
- AI Focus AF
(1) Manual selection
(2) Auto selection
* Automatically set (2) in Basic Zone modes and A-DEP mode.
Selected AF Point Display
Indicated by superimposed display in the viewfinder and on the LCD monitor
AF Assist Beam
(1) Intermittent firing of built-in flash
(2) Effective range: Approx. 4 m/13.1 ft at center, approx. 3.5 m/11.5 ft at periphery
* With an EOS-dedicated Speedlite attached, the Speedlite's AF-assist beam is emitted instead.
* Compatible with assist-beam (intermittent firing) of 320EX, 270EX II and 270EX flashes.
Exposure Control
Metering ModesTTL maximum aperture metering with 63-zone metering sensor
- Evaluative metering (linkable to all AF points)
- Partial metering (center, approx. 9% of viewfinder at center)
- Spot metering (center, approx. 4% of viewfinder at center)
- Center-weighted average metering
EV 1.0 - EV 20.0 (at 73°F/23°C with EF50mm f/1.4 USM lens, ISO 100)
Exposure Control Systems
Program AE (Shiftable), Shutter-priority AE, Aperture-priority AE, Manual exposure, Automatic depth-of-field, Scene Intelligent Auto, Flash Off, Creative Auto, Programmed Image Control modes, E-TTL II autoflash program AE
ISO Speed Range
Auto, ISO 100 - 6400 (in whole-stop increments), H: 12800
Exposure Compensation
Manual: ±5 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments (AEB ±2 stops)
* Indicated up to ±3 stops in the viewfinder.
AE Lock
Auto: Applied in One-Shot AF mode with evaluative metering when focus is achieved
Manual: By AE lock button
Vertical-travel, mechanical, focal-plane shutter with all speeds electronically controlled. 1/4000 to 1/60 sec., X-sync at 1/200 sec.
1/4000 to 30 sec., Bulb (Total shutter speed range. Available range varies by shooting mode.)
- Settable in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments.
(2) Compatible with Remote Controller RC-6, RC-1 and RC-5. Type
Vertical-travel, mechanical, focal-plane shutter with all speeds electronically controlled.
Shutter Speeds
1/4000 to 1/60 sec., X-sync at 1/200 sec.
1/4000 to 30 sec., Bulb (Total shutter speed range. Available range varies by shooting mode.)
- Settable in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments.
Soft-touch electromagnetic release
Self Timer
10-sec. or 2-sec. delay
Remote Control
(1) The EOS Rebel T3i has a remote control terminal for Remote Switch RS-60E3.
(2) Compatible with Remote Controller RC-6, RC-1 and RC-5.
Built in Flash
TypeAuto pop-up, retractable, built-in flash in the pentaprism
Guide Number
Approx. 13/43 (at ISO 100 in meters/feet)
Recycling Time
Approx. 3 sec.
Flash Ready Indicator
Flash-ready icon lights in viewfinder
Flash Coverage
Up to 17mm focal length (equivalent to approx. 28mm in 135 format)
FE Lock
Flash Exposure Compensation
Up to ±2 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments
- Flash exposure compensation for built-in flash and Speedlite can be set with the camera.
External Speedlite
Flash MeteringE-TTL II autoflash
Flash Exposure Compensation
±2 stops in 1/3-stop or 1/2-stop increments
FE Lock
Drive System
Drive ModesSingle, Continuous, 10-sec. self-timer/Remote control, 2-sec. self-timer, Continuous shooting after 10-sec. self-timer
Continuous Shooting Speed
Max. approx. 3.7 fps [TD] (with One-Shot AF or AI SERVO AF)
* Same as with Battery Grip BG-E8 loaded with size-AA/LR6 alkaline batteries.
Maximum Burst
JPEG (Large/Fine): approx. 34
RAW: approx. 6
RAW+JPEG (Large/Fine): approx. 3
* The number of possible shots and maximum burst apply to a 4GB card based on Canon's testing standards.
* The image file size, number of possible shots, and maximum burst will vary depending on the shooting conditions (3:2 aspect ratio, subject, memory card brand, ISO speed, Picture Style, Custom Functions, etc.).
* "F" indicates that continuous shooting is possible until the card becomes full.
Live View Functions
Shooting ModesStill photo shooting and video shooting
(1) Autofocus (Same as focusing with Live View shooting)
Before shooting a movie, 1, 2, and 3 below are possible.
AF during movie shooting is possible with [AF w/ shutter button during video]. When this is set to [Enable], 1 and 2 below are possible:
A. Live mode
B. Face detection Live mode
C. Quick mode
* If 3 has been set when you start shooting a movie, it will switch to 1 automatically.
(2) Manual focusing
* Magnify the image by about 5x or 10x and focus manually.
* Magnified view not possible with digital zoom nor during movie shooting.
Metering Modes
(1) AF point-linked evaluative metering
* Used when the AF mode is Face detection Live mode and a face has been detected.
(2) Center-weighted average metering
* Used during manual focus, when the AF mode is Face detection Live mode and a face has not been detected. Also used in the Live mode and Quick mode.
* Metering range: EV 0 to EV 20 (At 23°C/73°F and ISO 100, with 50mm f/1.4 lens)
Metering Range
EV 0 to EV 20 (At 23°C/73°F and ISO 100, with 50mm f/1.4 lens)
Grid Display
Two grids provided (not displayed during movie shooting):
(1) Grid 1: Pair of vertical and horizontal lines
(2) Grid 2: 5 vertical and 3 horizontal lines
Exposure Simulation
Silent Shooting
Not provided
LCD Monitor
TypeTFT color, liquid-crystal monitor
Monitor Size
3.0 in. (Screen aspect ratio of 3:2)
Approx. 1,040,000 dots
Approx. 100%
Viewing Angle: 170°
Brightness Control
Adjustable to one of seven brightness levels
Interface Languages
25 (English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Greek, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Ukraine, Turkish, Arabic, Thai, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese)
Display Format(1) Single image display
- Single image, basic information, detailed information, histogram display
- 4-image index and 9-image index.
- 1/10/100 images, shooting date, by folder, movies, stills, rating
On the detailed information and histogram displays, highlight areas with no image data will blink.
Image Protection and Erase
ProtectionErase protection can be applied/canceled for a single image, all images in a folder, or all images in the card.
Erase single image, erase selected images, erase all images on folder, erase all images in a card, or erase only unprotected images.
Direct Printing
Compatible PrintersPictBridge-compatible printers
Printable Images
JPEG images complying to Design rule for Camera File System
- RAW images printable.
- Movies cannot be printed.
DPOF: Digital Print Order Format
DPOFVersion 1.1 compatible
Custom Functions11 Custom Functions with 34 settings settable with the camera
Camera User Settings
Not provided
Power Source
BatteryBattery Pack LP-E8 x 1
* With the AC Adapter Kit ACK-E8, AC power is possible.
* With BG-E8, two battery packs (LP-E8) can be used. Or six size-AA/LR6 batteries can be used.
Battery Life
1) Camera body only:
Shooting Method | Temperature | Shooting Conditions | |
AE 100% | AE 50%, FA 50% | ||
Viewfinder Shooting | At 73°F/23°C | Approx. 550 | Approx. 440 |
At 32°F/0°C | Approx. 470 | Approx. 400 | |
Live View Shooting | At 73°F/23°C | Approx. 200 | Approx. 180 |
At 32°F/0°C | Approx. 170 | Approx. 150 |
2) With Battery Grip BG-E8:
Shooting Method | Battery | Temperature | Shooting Conditions | |
AE 100% | AE 50%, FA 50% | |||
Viewfinder Shooting | LP-E8 x 1 | Same as (1) | ||
LP-E8 x 2 | At 73°F/23°C | Approx. 1100 | Approx. 880 | |
At 32°F/0°C | Approx. 940 | Approx. 800 | ||
Size-AA/LR6 alkaline batteries | At 73°F/23°C | Approx. 470 | Approx. 270 | |
At 32°F/0°C | Approx. 130 | Approx. 80 | ||
Live View Shooting | LP-E8 x 1 | Same as (1) | ||
LP-E8 x 2 | At 73°F/23°C | Approx. 400 | Approx. 360 | |
At 32°F/0°C | Approx. 340 | Approx. 300 | ||
Size-AA/LR6 alkaline batteries | At 73°F/23°C | - | - | |
At 32°F/0°C | - | - |
Automatic battery level check when power is turned ON.
Battery level indicated in one of four levels on LCD monitor.
Power Saving
Power turns off after the set time of non-operation elapses
* [Auto power off] settable to 30 sec., 1 min., 2 min., 4 min., 8 min., or 15 min.
Date/Time Battery
Built-in secondary battery. When fully-charged, the date/time can be maintained for about three months.
Start-up Time
Approx. 0.1 sec. (Based on CIPA testing standards)
Dimensions and Weight
Dimensions (W x H x D)Approx. 5.2 x 3.9 x 3.1 in./133.1 x 99.5 x 79.7mm
Approx. 18.2 oz. / 515g (body only)
Operating Environment
Working Temperature Range32-104°F/0-40°C
Working Humidity Range
85% or less
All data are based on Canon's Standard Test Method. Subject to change without notice. ?
If a problem occurs with a non-Canon lens attached to the camera, consult the lens maker. Canon, DIGIC and EOS Rebel are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. in the United States and may also be registered trademarks or trademarks in other countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a trademark of Apple, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are registered trademarks or trademarks of HDMI Licensing, LLC in the United States and/or other countries. All other products and brand names are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of their respective owners in the United States and/or other countries.
- 18.0 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor and DIGIC 4 Image Processor for high image quality and speed.
- ISO 100 - 6400 (expandable to 12800) for shooting from bright to dim light.
- Improved EOS Full HD Movie mode with manual exposure control, expanded recording [1920 x 1080 Full HD video at frame rates of 30 (29.97), 24 (23.976) and 25.0 frames per second] with new Movie Digital zoom and Video Snapshot features for enhanced movie shooting options.
- Vari-angle 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor (3:2) for shooting at high or low angles and 1,040,000-dot VGA with reflection reduction using multi coating and high-transparency materials for bright and clear viewing.
- New Scene Intelligent Auto mode and Picture Style Auto incorporating the new EOS Scene Detection System to capture beautiful scenes with ease.
- Express your creativity with advanced imaging features like Basic+ function, Multi-Aspect function and Creative Filters.
- Enhanced metering with a 63-zone, Dual-layer metering system for accurate metering between exposures, and 9-point AF system utilizing a high precision, f/2.8 cross-type center point.
- 3.7 fps continuous shooting up to approximately 34 JPEGs or approximately 6 RAW.
- New Feature Guide offers short descriptions of each function and Quick Control screen for easy operation.
- Compatibility with SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards.
- Compatible with the full line of Canon EF and EF-S lenses.
High Resolution Still Capture.
The EOS Rebel T3i has an 18.0 Megapixel CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) sensor that captures images with exceptional clarity and tonal range and offers more than enough resolution for big enlargements or crops. This first-class sensor features many of the same new technologies as used by professional Canon cameras to maximize each pixel's light-gathering efficiency. Its APS-C size sensor creates an effective 1.6x field of view (compared to 35mm format). DIGIC 4 Image ProcessorThe Canon DIGIC 4 Image Processor dramatically speeds up the entire EOS Rebel T3i DSLR's camera operations for intuitive operation and offers improvements in both fine detail and natural color reproduction. It works in concert with the EOS Rebel T3i DSLR's CMOS Image Sensor to achieve phenomenal levels of performance in nearly any situation.
The REBEL on the Move.
Photographers looking for an easy-to-use camera that will help them create their next masterpiece need look no further than the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. The next in a long line of phenomenal compact DSLRs, the EOS Rebel T3i continues the Rebel tradition of easy operation, compact design and no-compromise performance. Featuring Canon's newest DIGIC 4 Image Processor and an 18.0 Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor - plus cutting-edge technologies like Full HD video recording, Live View shooting, Wireless flash photography and even a Vari-angle 3.0-inch LCD monitor - the EOS Rebel T3i offers the best of EOS photography in a compact package.
Photographers looking for an easy-to-use camera that will help them create their next masterpiece need look no further than the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. The next in a long line of phenomenal compact DSLRs, the EOS Rebel T3i continues the Rebel tradition of easy operation, compact design and no-compromise performance. Featuring Canon's newest DIGIC 4 Image Processor and an 18.0 Megapixel CMOS Image Sensor - plus cutting-edge technologies like Full HD video recording, Live View shooting, Wireless flash photography and even a Vari-angle 3.0-inch LCD monitor - the EOS Rebel T3i offers the best of EOS photography in a compact package.

What's in the Box
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Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Suzuki INAZUMA 250cc
PT. SUZUKI INDOMOBIL SALES menyiapkan indent system bagi konsumen yang menginginkan unit pertanggal 10 Agustus 2012.
Terus berkembang dan meningkatnya gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan, menginspirasi pabrikan untuk menghadirkan inovasi baru demi memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut yang saat ini menjadi market yang sangat potensial.
Merespon hal tersebut, PT. SUZUKI INDOMOBIL SALES (SIS), menciptakan SUZUKI INAZUMA sepeda motor dengan tampilan modern touring bike. Motor sport touring yang membidik segmen mapan ini mengutamakan tampilan motor gede yang stylish namun nyaman dikendarai.
Inazuma dirancang dengan penuh kecermatan hingga ke detail akhir motor. Penampilan mesin high class dipersenjatai dengan mesin injeksi 250cc water cooled 2 silinder yang menghasilkan tenaga 24 hp pada 8.500 rpm serta torsi 23,8 Nm pada 6.500 rpm. Tampilan yang menyiratkan aura gagah macho dan exclusive, dilengkapi juga dengan dua muffler, menjadikan INAZUMA motor pertama di Indonesia yang menggunakan twin muffler.
Lampu depan yang futuristik dan agresif membuat tampilan terlihat tangguh dan powerfull. Panel speedometer terkesan modern dengan indikator digital ditambah dengan indikator interval perawatan seperti yang terdapat pada motor besar, dan feature digital yang lebih mudah dilihat dan informative. Ditambah touring riding Position yang nyaman dengan Jok yang lebar.
Pada transmisi, Inazuma dilengkapi dengan mesin langkah piston (kaliber 53.5 mm x stroke 55.2 mm) yang didesain untuk kepraktisan mesin dengan kecepatan low to mid (sekitar 4.000rpm) serta kontribusi 6-speed transmission yang hemat bahan bakar, sangat nyaman dikendarai dalam berbagai kondisi baik transportasi sehari-hari ataupun touring.
Walaupun pasar sepeda motor sport 4-tak saat ini didominasi Kawasaki Ninja dan Honda CBR, keduanya menempatkan diri sebagai sport bike 250cc. Namun Inazuma menawarkan keunggulan dengan lengkap sederet fitur modern yang mengutamakan kualitas tampilan yang sempurna dengan performa berkualitas tinggi sebagai sport touring bike dan community.
SUZUKI INAZUMA hadir dalam 2 pilihan warna menarik yaitu Candy Cardinal Red dan Pearl Nebular Black. Dengan harga sebesar Rp. 46.000.000,- (On The Road DKI Jakarta).
PT. SUZUKI INDOMOBIL SALES menyiapkan indent system bagi konsumen yang menginginkan unit pertanggal 10 Agustus 2012.
Terus berkembang dan meningkatnya gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan, menginspirasi pabrikan untuk menghadirkan inovasi baru demi memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut yang saat ini menjadi market yang sangat potensial.
Merespon hal tersebut, PT. SUZUKI INDOMOBIL SALES (SIS), menciptakan SUZUKI INAZUMA sepeda motor dengan tampilan modern touring bike. Motor sport touring yang membidik segmen mapan ini mengutamakan tampilan motor gede yang stylish namun nyaman dikendarai.
Inazuma dirancang dengan penuh kecermatan hingga ke detail akhir motor. Penampilan mesin high class dipersenjatai dengan mesin injeksi 250cc water cooled 2 silinder yang menghasilkan tenaga 24 hp pada 8.500 rpm serta torsi 23,8 Nm pada 6.500 rpm. Tampilan yang menyiratkan aura gagah macho dan exclusive, dilengkapi juga dengan dua muffler, menjadikan INAZUMA motor pertama di Indonesia yang menggunakan twin muffler.
Lampu depan yang futuristik dan agresif membuat tampilan terlihat tangguh dan powerfull. Panel speedometer terkesan modern dengan indikator digital ditambah dengan indikator interval perawatan seperti yang terdapat pada motor besar, dan feature digital yang lebih mudah dilihat dan informative. Ditambah touring riding Position yang nyaman dengan Jok yang lebar.
Pada transmisi, Inazuma dilengkapi dengan mesin langkah piston (kaliber 53.5 mm x stroke 55.2 mm) yang didesain untuk kepraktisan mesin dengan kecepatan low to mid (sekitar 4.000rpm) serta kontribusi 6-speed transmission yang hemat bahan bakar, sangat nyaman dikendarai dalam berbagai kondisi baik transportasi sehari-hari ataupun touring.
Walaupun pasar sepeda motor sport 4-tak saat ini didominasi Kawasaki Ninja dan Honda CBR, keduanya menempatkan diri sebagai sport bike 250cc. Namun Inazuma menawarkan keunggulan dengan lengkap sederet fitur modern yang mengutamakan kualitas tampilan yang sempurna dengan performa berkualitas tinggi sebagai sport touring bike dan community.
SUZUKI INAZUMA hadir dalam 2 pilihan warna menarik yaitu Candy Cardinal Red dan Pearl Nebular Black. Dengan harga sebesar Rp. 46.000.000,- (On The Road DKI Jakarta).
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